You might have noticed that things look a little bit different around here. Well, that things look very different around here.
This week we have said a fond and affectionate farewell to Write Yorkshire and become Writing Voices. We've got a new name, a new look and some tremendously exciting plans in store for 2022.

Why the change?
Yorkshire and the North of England are common and abiding loves among the scribble, and that hasn't changed. However, what we began to realise is that it wasn't just voices from Yorkshire that we were excited about and wanted to publish - in fact, our very first Guest Author spot went to a talented writer from the US. We want to celebrate any talented voice and we realised that Write Yorkshire didn't quite encompass our vision anymore. We'd outgrown it.
Who is Writing Voices for?
Just like it says on the tin, Writing Voices is for people who love to write. We don't care if you've been published, write for fun, are thinking about starting writing, always planned to write but never got round to it, are looking for an agent or publisher, or are self published. If you love to write, if you aspire to write, you're in the right place (no pun intended).
What has changed and what hasn't changed?
If you've been published on our website, you're still published on our website. All our blog content is still there (albeit with a slightly different URL) and all our shortcut links still work exactly as they should. You'll now email your submissions to and all our Resident Writers are still here and still writing for you. If you're subscribed to any of our social media channels, don't worry, you're still subscribed. And if you aren't... why not?? Find our new social handles at the bottom and come say hi.
What are these exciting plans then?
Well in 2022... wait, we see what you did there! We can't tell you yet. You'll have to take our word for it for now but we'll share soon... In the meantime, we've got some awesome Christmas content lined up for the Writing Voices blog, so don't forget to connect with us and join our growing family.
Anything else?
Actually yes, we now have a mailing list! We don't plan to be spamming anyone and you have the option of signing up to two threads. The first one is for anyone who has been published on the website or would like to be published - we'll get in touch when writing opportunities crop up and when we have specific calls out. The second one is for those connoisseurs among you that want to read awesome content and advice about writing; we'll email you all our coolest stuff every now and again, probably not more than once a month. Interested? Find out more here.
And I suppose you've got a teary thank you speech prepared?
We do. Thank you so much to the readers and writers who have helped Write Yorkshire grow over the last year and who are still with us as we enter the new era of Writing Voices. Welcome, new readers and writers, we are excited to get to know you. Writing Voices is all about two things: writing and YOU. Without you, there'd be no us. Thank you.
We've loved talking to you over the last year and we're looking forward to carrying on that conversation for many more years to come.
All our best,
Liz, Nic and the Writing Voices family