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Writing Voices
Jul 29, 20216 min read
What non-writing activities help your writing?
As writers, we tend to spend a lot of time focused on the job in hand or building and exploring internal, alternative worlds. Work life...

Writing Voices
Jul 22, 20218 min read
What literary character would you most like to tell off, and why?
If you’ve ever caught yourself screeching at a book, perhaps holding it at arms length and reading with one eye in utter frustration...

Writing Voices
Jul 15, 20215 min read
How do you get started with a new story?
If you're going to be a writer then there's one thing you can't avoid - getting started! And sometimes that can be the trickiest part.

Writing Voices
Jul 8, 20217 min read
Which books do you revisit & why?
Great writers are great readers. Chances are, if you're a writer, it's because at some point along the road, you fell in love with a book.

Writing Voices
Jul 1, 20215 min read
Have you ever been on a writing retreat? What did you get out of it?
what better for a writer than a writing retreat? We asked the scribble if they'd ever been on a retreat and what they got out of it.

Writing Voices
Jun 24, 20217 min read
You're restricted to a genre, form and medium for life. What do you go for?
You wake up one morning and there is an email waiting for you, telling you that today you must choose one genre, form and medium for life...

Writing Voices
Jun 10, 20215 min read
Are you in favour of self-publishing?
Many writers dream of being picked up by a publisher; most of those writers will not get picked up. Is self-publishing a viable alternative?

Writing Voices
Jun 3, 20216 min read
Should you be writing for yourself or for your readers?
How much should you be thinking about the reader, or end user, during the development of a piece of writing?

Writing Voices
May 27, 20214 min read
Do you stick to one project at a time or do you have several on the go?
We're delving into more controversy this week with a question that has had writers gesticulating at each other furiously for years.

Writing Voices
May 20, 20216 min read
Do you believe in writer’s block and how do you tackle it?
This week, the Write Yorkshire scribble talk to us about their views on writer’s block and offer some practical advice on how to tackle it.

Writing Voices
May 13, 20218 min read
On mental health and being a writer
This week, we're having a heart-to-heart with the Write Yorkshire scribble about mental health.

Writing Voices
May 6, 20214 min read
Do you find it difficult to accept critical feedback or editorial changes?
Occasionally, we ask a question and get a unanimous answer... The Write Yorkshire scribble have some good advice this week on bracing...

Writing Voices
Apr 29, 20215 min read
What is your biggest writing crime or bad habit?
We've all got 'em. It's easy to think that we're alone in committing writing crimes, and that's probably because most of the work we read...

Writing Voices
Apr 22, 20215 min read
Physical book or ebook?
If we twisted your arm; if it was a matter of life and death; if you had to pick one or the other... what would you choose?

Writing Voices
Apr 15, 20215 min read
Do the ethics of writing about real people or situations worry you?
This week we're taking a dive into a deeper, darker place: the ethics of writing about real people and real events. Rather than create a...

Writing Voices
Apr 8, 20215 min read
Tips for becoming more open and honest in your writing
The Write Yorkshire Scribble spill the beans on how to spill the beans. This week we're answering one of your questions - how to become...

Writing Voices
Apr 1, 20214 min read
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Whether you discovered your passion for the written word a little bit later in life or you were a child-dreamer, scribbling stories on...

Writing Voices
Mar 25, 20216 min read
Who are your greatest literary influences?
Have you ever heard the phrase 'great writers are great readers'? If you're passionate about writing, there's an excellent chance that...

Writing Voices
Mar 18, 20217 min read
Is it important to spend time with other writers?
Is it important to spend time with other writers? Here at Write Yorkshire, we're a tight-knit scribble of writers; there's a tiny...

Writing Voices
Mar 11, 20217 min read
How do you know when a story is finished?
As it turns out, this might be a bit of a subtle science. The scuttlebutt around the Write Yorkshire watercooler is that knowing when a...
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