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Writing Voices
Mar 18, 20217 min read
Is it important to spend time with other writers?
Is it important to spend time with other writers? Here at Write Yorkshire, we're a tight-knit scribble of writers; there's a tiny...

Writing Voices
Mar 11, 20217 min read
How do you know when a story is finished?
As it turns out, this might be a bit of a subtle science. The scuttlebutt around the Write Yorkshire watercooler is that knowing when a...

Writing Voices
Mar 4, 20215 min read
What makes you a writer?
'Am I a writer yet?' We've probably all had that thought at least once. 'Writer' is a bit of a hazy concept...

Writing Voices
Feb 25, 20216 min read
Do you have a muse?
They stand both in the shadows behind the writing desk and shine from the page. The muses.

Writing Voices
Feb 18, 20216 min read
Where do your ideas come from?
Ideas are the kindling which ignite and fuel all stories - without ideas, writers are just people with pens and bits of blank paper. We...

Writing Voices
Feb 11, 20214 min read
How do you get started when you can’t get started?
The blank page. Sometimes it's the best sight in the world, brimming with possibility. And then there are those days when it becomes your...

Harrison Casswell
Dec 22, 20204 min read
They say there are no stars in space. But there are. I’ve seen them. You just have to look in the right places.

Harrison Casswell
Nov 10, 20204 min read
A Story about Gardens and Writing
The man sat at his laptop. A blank page before him. Always a blank page. His head buzzed all night with ideas.

Nic Benson
Nov 8, 20208 min read
For a few days every month Momma looks tired. The chickens start to lay away and won’t come near the house – the rest of the time, they...

Nic Benson
Nov 7, 20207 min read
The Station
It was a rural branch line station, the kind that had featured in the Sunday afternoon films of her childhood; built of stone and clad in...

Liz Hudson
Nov 3, 20205 min read
The Beast of Dartmoor
In an electrifying moment of stillness, a dreadful howl pierced the darkness. The note filled every space and vibrated there.
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