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Writing Voices
Jan 13, 202213 min read
52 Must-Reads for 2022
Wondering what to read this year? Or, if you're anything like us, you probably have a to-read pile so large it's developing structural...

Writing Voices
Nov 4, 20215 min read
If you could recommend one book that helped make you a better writer, what would it be and why?
This week, we've been racking our brains to choose just one book that helped make each of us a better writer.

Writing Voices
Oct 7, 20216 min read
If you could read any book again for the first time, which would it be and why?
Have you ever felt sheer envy when someone you know announces they have never read your favourite book? We know that feeling all too well...

Writing Voices
Aug 26, 20219 min read
What are the best and worst literary adaptations to television or film?
One thing guaranteed to send a bookworm into either spasms of delight or furious apoplexy is a literary adaptation done well, or done badly.

Writing Voices
Aug 19, 20216 min read
What's your dream literary dinner party? Attendees, foods and location.
You are the literary dinner party host extraordinaire... You can invite anyone you like from literature, living or dead, fictional or real.

Writing Voices
Jul 22, 20218 min read
What literary character would you most like to tell off, and why?
If you’ve ever caught yourself screeching at a book, perhaps holding it at arms length and reading with one eye in utter frustration...

Writing Voices
Jul 8, 20217 min read
Which books do you revisit & why?
Great writers are great readers. Chances are, if you're a writer, it's because at some point along the road, you fell in love with a book.

Writing Voices
Apr 22, 20215 min read
Physical book or ebook?
If we twisted your arm; if it was a matter of life and death; if you had to pick one or the other... what would you choose?

Writing Voices
Mar 25, 20216 min read
Who are your greatest literary influences?
Have you ever heard the phrase 'great writers are great readers'? If you're passionate about writing, there's an excellent chance that...
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